Course Curriculum

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    Instructions for this course

    • Fillin' In The Gaps- Groundwork Style
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    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from your instructor
    • Tools
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    Important Principles and Theories

    • Finding A Starting Point
    • Methods of Training
    • Self Control
    • Make The Right Thing Easy
    • Cues, Escalation of Pressure and The 3 Second Rule
    • Balance
    • Fight, Flight, Freeze
    • Hot Horses
    • Cold/Lazy Horses
    • Calming and Stress Signals
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    The Roundpen

    • Exercise #1: Establish Direction & Relaxation (Turtle)
    • Exercise #1: Establish Direction and Relaxation (Monkey)
    • Exercise # 2: Transitions
    • More On Transitions
    • Lesson 3: Changes of Direction
    • Lesson 4: The Follow
    • Tips-Lazy Horse
    • Tips-Relaxation
    • Tips-Feel
    • Mental Pictures
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    Working Online

    • Lesson 5: Part I- The Send
    • Part II- The Circle
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    • Backing