Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to use this template

    • Welcome To Katy's Horsemanship Through Groundwork!
  • 2

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from Katy Negranti
    • Tools You'll Need
    • Before we begin...
    • The Most Important Principle!
    • Find A Good Starting Point
    • Make The Right Thing Easy
    • Methods of Training
    • Balance
    • Cues and Escalation of Pressure
    • Fight/Flight/Freeze
    • Cold/Lazy Horses
    • Hot Horses
    • Calming And Stress Signals in Horses
  • 3

    Question/Answer Videos

    • Tying, Trailer Loading and Ponying Young Horses
    • Herd Bound/Separation Anxiety
    • Session Length
  • 4

    The Essentials #1

    • Lesson #1: Observation
    • Exercise #2: Focused Observation
    • Exercise #3: Relaxation
  • 5

    The Essentials: Round Pen

    • Round Pen Lesson
    • Round Pen Instructions
    • How-to lesson
    • Test your learning
  • 6

    The Essentials In Practice (Round Pen)

    • Basic Roundpen Task
    • Monkey (@ 7 months old)
    • Monkey (@ 2 years old) - Part 1
    • Monkey (@ 2 years old) part 2
    • Monkey (@ 2 years old) part 3
    • Monkey (@ 2 years old) part 4
    • Monkey (@2 years old) part 5
    • More On Transitions w/ Little Joe
    • Roundpen Step #6
  • 7

    The Essentials: Online Exercise

    • The Essentials: Online Exercise
    • Online Lesson
    • The 90 Degree Yield
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    The Essentials: Leading Behind

    • Lesson 3: Leading Behind
    • Leading Behind
    • Leading Behind W/ A Horse That Is Distracted
    • Leading Behind W/ A Distracted Horse #2
  • 9

    The Essentials: Disengaging/Yielding The HQ

    • Lesson 4: Disengaging
    • Disengaging
  • 10

    The Essentials: Backing Up

    • Backing Up
  • 11

    The Essentials: Yielding The Forequarters

    • Yielding the Forequarters
    • Yielding The Forequarters
  • 12

    The Essentials: Lateral Flexion

    • Lateral Flexion
    • Lateral Flexion
  • 13

    The Essentials: Going Between You and the Fence

    • Going Between You And The Fence
    • Going Between You and The Fence
  • 14

    The Essentials: Working From The Fence

    • Working From The Fence
    • Working From the Fence
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    Chapter 11: Saddling

    • Saddling
    • Saddling w/ Monkey
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    Case Study: Olive

    • Olive Day 1
    • Olive Day 2
    • Olive Day 3
    • Olive Day 4
    • Olive Day 5
    • Olive Day 20
    • Olive Lesson 2
    • Olive Lesson 3
    • Olive Lesson 4
    • Olive Lesson 5:
    • Olive Lesson 6:
    • Olive Lesson 7:
    • Olive Lesson 8:
    • Olive Lesson 9:
    • Olive Lesson 10:
    • Olive Lesson 11:
    • Olive Lesson 12:
    • Olive Lesson 12 (part II)
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    • catchingposreinforcement